Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer Simplicity

Want to know a fun fact? A third of my face was numb for these pictures. Still is. Thank you, cute dentist, for the face-numbing, no-fun cavity refillings. Do you know how hard it is to smile when you can't even feel half of the smile? Pretty darn hard, let me tell you. Luckily, these pictures proved to myself that the right side of my mouth does in fact still move. Oh, you thought I just wanted to post an outfit since I haven't in about 439 years? No no, I was just checking my facial movements... kidding. I seriously miss blogging and so here I am! Numb face and all, for some reason I was inspired to share my simple summer outfit today. There's something about a overcast, mid-July day- even with all its muggy grossness- that a tank top, jean shorts, sandals, and Jack Johnson playing continuously in the background that just makes me blissful. I know in about a month and a half, when I'm drowning in schoolwork and stress, I'll be wishing for lazy summer days like today. Minus the local anesthetics.

{tank: A&F ('s old); shorts: Paris Blues; sandals: Ann Taylor}

Sunday, July 1, 2012

No Regrets

What has Audrey been up to lately? you probably are not wondering. Well, I will tell you anyway. My summer weeks have been quickly wasting away. If I'm not working at my school's recreation center, then I'm babysitting sweet but sometimes devilish children of various families. Or watching True Blood. It's a recent, obnoxious obsession. On the weekends you can find me at this town's hippest bars, fulfilling, oh I'd say about 0% of my hopes and dreams via lemondrops, vodka sodas, and flirtations with cute (well, sometimes not) boys. The fantastic part about this schedule is that I get to make quick, fairly easy money without having to worry about school, my main source of stress. I finally can take my mother's advice about saving money, while simultaneously being financially able to spend some, too. From the outside looking in, my summer may look near perfect. Stress-free and carefree, full of drinks and boys, raking in the cash monay. My only real concern is making it to work/babysitting on time.
Yet, I have not written except maybe once this summer. When you tell people you want to be a professional writer, one of the toughest fields to break into, a lack of actually picking up the pen creates a few problems. On top of this, I make thoughtless mistakes and rash decisions, and manage to blame them on the pursuit of spontaneity. I have always been someone who has claimed no regrets. I do believe that even our biggest mistakes can be turned into lessons learned. Why trade a lesson for a cleaner slate? Lately, though, I've had this issue where I have just decided to ignore mistakes and, beyond that, ignore my conscience. A bit of a scary realization to experience, let me tell you, but an eye-opening one as well. The main solution to this problem is the replacement of shallow instant gratifications and indulgings with goals and aspirations. I never completely ridded myself of the latter; I think I just slowly but surely moved them to the back burner in exchange for a fun-filled summer. I'm so not saying that fun gets moved to the back burner now; maybe instead, fun, responsibility, and goals all get placed on front burners. Ya know, 'cause I have one of those big, industrial-sized stoves with many front burners in this hypothetical case. How does that sound, all you people who are saints enough to still be reading my ramblings? Good? I thought so, too.
Cheers to no regrets & lessons learned.