Yet, I have not written except maybe once this summer. When you tell people you want to be a professional writer, one of the toughest fields to break into, a lack of actually picking up the pen creates a few problems. On top of this, I make thoughtless mistakes and rash decisions, and manage to blame them on the pursuit of spontaneity. I have always been someone who has claimed no regrets. I do believe that even our biggest mistakes can be turned into lessons learned. Why trade a lesson for a cleaner slate? Lately, though, I've had this issue where I have just decided to ignore mistakes and, beyond that, ignore my conscience. A bit of a scary realization to experience, let me tell you, but an eye-opening one as well. The main solution to this problem is the replacement of shallow instant gratifications and indulgings with goals and aspirations. I never completely ridded myself of the latter; I think I just slowly but surely moved them to the back burner in exchange for a fun-filled summer. I'm so not saying that fun gets moved to the back burner now; maybe instead, fun, responsibility, and goals all get placed on front burners. Ya know, 'cause I have one of those big, industrial-sized stoves with many front burners in this hypothetical case. How does that sound, all you people who are saints enough to still be reading my ramblings? Good? I thought so, too.
Cheers to no regrets & lessons learned.
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