Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer Simplicity

Want to know a fun fact? A third of my face was numb for these pictures. Still is. Thank you, cute dentist, for the face-numbing, no-fun cavity refillings. Do you know how hard it is to smile when you can't even feel half of the smile? Pretty darn hard, let me tell you. Luckily, these pictures proved to myself that the right side of my mouth does in fact still move. Oh, you thought I just wanted to post an outfit since I haven't in about 439 years? No no, I was just checking my facial movements... kidding. I seriously miss blogging and so here I am! Numb face and all, for some reason I was inspired to share my simple summer outfit today. There's something about a overcast, mid-July day- even with all its muggy grossness- that a tank top, jean shorts, sandals, and Jack Johnson playing continuously in the background that just makes me blissful. I know in about a month and a half, when I'm drowning in schoolwork and stress, I'll be wishing for lazy summer days like today. Minus the local anesthetics.

{tank: A&F ('s old); shorts: Paris Blues; sandals: Ann Taylor}

Sunday, July 1, 2012

No Regrets

What has Audrey been up to lately? you probably are not wondering. Well, I will tell you anyway. My summer weeks have been quickly wasting away. If I'm not working at my school's recreation center, then I'm babysitting sweet but sometimes devilish children of various families. Or watching True Blood. It's a recent, obnoxious obsession. On the weekends you can find me at this town's hippest bars, fulfilling, oh I'd say about 0% of my hopes and dreams via lemondrops, vodka sodas, and flirtations with cute (well, sometimes not) boys. The fantastic part about this schedule is that I get to make quick, fairly easy money without having to worry about school, my main source of stress. I finally can take my mother's advice about saving money, while simultaneously being financially able to spend some, too. From the outside looking in, my summer may look near perfect. Stress-free and carefree, full of drinks and boys, raking in the cash monay. My only real concern is making it to work/babysitting on time.
Yet, I have not written except maybe once this summer. When you tell people you want to be a professional writer, one of the toughest fields to break into, a lack of actually picking up the pen creates a few problems. On top of this, I make thoughtless mistakes and rash decisions, and manage to blame them on the pursuit of spontaneity. I have always been someone who has claimed no regrets. I do believe that even our biggest mistakes can be turned into lessons learned. Why trade a lesson for a cleaner slate? Lately, though, I've had this issue where I have just decided to ignore mistakes and, beyond that, ignore my conscience. A bit of a scary realization to experience, let me tell you, but an eye-opening one as well. The main solution to this problem is the replacement of shallow instant gratifications and indulgings with goals and aspirations. I never completely ridded myself of the latter; I think I just slowly but surely moved them to the back burner in exchange for a fun-filled summer. I'm so not saying that fun gets moved to the back burner now; maybe instead, fun, responsibility, and goals all get placed on front burners. Ya know, 'cause I have one of those big, industrial-sized stoves with many front burners in this hypothetical case. How does that sound, all you people who are saints enough to still be reading my ramblings? Good? I thought so, too.
Cheers to no regrets & lessons learned.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Words of Inspiration

My one and only pen pal, my grandma, sent me a card recently. She spoke of her and my grandpa's busy-bee lives--she was on her way to Tai Chi that morning, and they had plans to road-trip to AZ the next day to visit family--and per usual, it made me proud and thankful to have such ambitious and mobile grandparents. The contents of the letter were as charming and heart-warming as ever, with her swirly cursive covering the entirety of the card's insides. My grandma's letters can turn my day around, and this one was all the more special. Her stationery is always pretty, and this time its front displayed one of my favorite quotes- a quote that I actually used in a post below!

"Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air." Such simple words inspire me tremendously; they encourage me to be spontaneous and care-free. A perfect combination, especially with summer finally upon us.

What is your quote you strive to live by? I've decided this will be mine, at the very least for this summer. Here's to living freely, as Mr. Emerson would encourage all.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

Ahhh. The beginnings of the floral-adorning, lace-flaunting, and wedge-wearing season have officially begun. This here little nifty thing, made using the handy dandy Polyvore, is a display of things I want need for this lovely and fresh and new season. What's on your wish list?

1. Essie- "Play Date"- Such a vibrant/fun shade.
2. Urban Outfitters- Lookout Sunglasses (in Pink)- Playful and versatile.
3. Monsoon- Summer Floral Clutch- Perfect for date night or girl's night.
4. Pull&Bear- Lace Dress (in Water Green)- Just precious.
5. Net-a-Porter- Rosamosario B-Amami Lace Shorts- Girly yet structured.
6. Oasis- Glitter Toepost Sandals- Beach, anyone?
7. Kate Spade- Dotz Bib Necklace- Statement necklace of the spring, in my book.
8. Zara- Platform Sandal- Just... just perfect.

Happy spring, guys!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Totes Caj

{button-up, earrings, ring, bangle, headband: Forever 21; leggings: Express; boots: Madden Girl}

I only talk in abbreves about 10% of the time. Although of that, I'm only kidding half of the time. Real stats guys. But really, you can't get more casual than an oversized button-up with some thick leggings (a.k.a. non-see-thru... we've all seen this happen to some poor soul) and riding boots. And to top it off, I finished the easygoing look with some trusty slash forever cheap Forever 21 accessories. Totes fun. Totes comfy. And totes giving you a close-up of my frecks today, my friends. You're welcome.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Isn't it funny how many different loves there are?

I love new shoes. I love the adrenaline of a good run. I love purely blissful moments with my family, no matter how few and far between. I love my family, even when I don't like my family. I love a good book. I love God. I also love Chelsea Handler. And I love Charlie, my Border Collie. I love coffee... so, so much. I love brainstorming, but only when I don't love procrastinating. I love Pinterest. I love New York City, and I love me in New York City. I love the socks my grandma knits me. I love the feeling I get from helping others. I love my job. I love frozen yogurt (... but, duh).

Yet not one of those loves is the same as another. We feel a slightly personalized- for lack of better word- affection for a thing, person, place, idea, situation that we love, no matter how big or small. The Greek even have three words for love: agape for unconditional love, eros for passionate love, and philia for an affectionate and friendly love- which attempt to somewhat categorize certain types of loves.

The reality is this: some loves are fleeting, others everlasting. Some last as long as a breathtaking sunrise that is forgotten a week later. Others last from the first breath of life to our very last. Keep finding things to love, for you'll never find the same one twice. To me, that pursuit is where the true joy lies.
{My sister, whom, yes, I also love.}


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Just call me the next Katie Couric.

Ha JUST kidding. But I did have to shoot this anchor script today for a broadcast class I'm taking. I honestly have only ever wanted to do the editorial side of journalism, but this class is turning out to be much more fun than I expected. This is my first real, graded anchor script, so you can definitely sense some nerves goin' on. But overall I really enjoyed the process of writing and reporting my stories!
You can click here to watch it.
I'd so appreciate some feedback! What do you think?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Checked Off the List

I keep my bucket list right inside my trusty noggin. I've tried writing down bucket list items, but you know how whenever you go to make a grocery list and all that comes to mind is milk and bread? Wait, what were those other 10 million things I kept telling myself I need to remember to get? That tends to be what happens when I try to do write out the ol' bucket list. 
One bucket list endeavor that I've always had but was more of a 'ha, we'll see if I ever actually do that' was running a half marathon. But my sister got it in her head about 4 months ago that this. was. going. to. happen. And I got swept up for the ride. So we trained for 12 weeks, running through the icy winds and the painful shin splints and the crappy days that we all have occasionally. 
Last weekend she flew her newly 37 pounds lighter butt to see me, and to run our half. The time had come. I was so nervous, but she knew more confidently than I that we were ready. When the race buzzer sounded at 7 am last Sunday and we began our run with the sun beginning to rise, I realized we were, too.
I don't think I've ever felt so tired yet so strong in my entire life. Having my sister, my best friend, by my side as I crossed the finish line made it all the sweeter. My near projectile vomiting episode that actually turned out to be just a bit of dry heaving post finish line was only a mild setback (true story, that did happen... not my proudest moment of the day). In pure exhaustion, all we could both keep saying to each other that we couldn't believe it was over. Our 12 weeks of training was up, and the 13.1 mile run complete. We'd reached this once impossible-seeming goal. That pride of overcoming such a physically and mentally enduring obstacle made me realize my overall capability, and oh how great it is.

Who knows what's next? Maybe even a full marathon is in our future!

(PS, sorry for my unannounced blogging hiatus, guys! I guess spring semester sophomore year is way busier than I expected, but I miss the bloggerverse. So expect to be seeing lots more of me again!)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I received a bunch of sweet responses and advice for my last post regarding what I should do with my hair, so I thought I should share the final product! I decided to simply go with a trim to clean up the ends. She only took about an inch off, so it doesn't look much different. But, oh, how it feels...divine. I also asked my hairstylist to add more layers so my absurdly thick hair could be manageable once again. As I've never put any color in my hair (out of sheer fear that I wouldn't be able to keep up with getting my roots redone regularly), I stuck with that route and decided to continue letting the seasons and the sun take care of the color for me. I kind of like the natural, ombre-like thing my hair decides to do in the winter...although my hairstylist seemed to think I'm "just letting old highlights grow out." Hello, it's called keeping things au naturale!
{Please excuse the t-shirt and tired eyes; first day back at school with new classes and a new job seriously did some damage on my exhaustion levels.}
 How was your Monday that was really a Tuesday?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Long or Short?

That is the question.
I cut my hair about shoulder length a year and a half ago and absolutely love-love-loved it. But, per usual, I did miss my longer locks and have since been trying to grow it back out. I rarely go to a hairstylist to get trims; in fact, I've trimmed my own ends the past three times. I know, I know, this is like hair sin numero uno, but what's a broke college student to do? It's worked out just fine, but I'm home on winter break and my mom wants to send me to a "real" hairstylist. The anticipation of such a luxury is sending me into an anxiety haywire!
So of course I want outside opinion. In all truthfulness, I would love and appreciate any and all advice on a cut, especially from all you wise bloggers out there! Do I go with just a trim, a few more layers, side bangs, or back to my shorter, layered 'do? What do you think?
Thanks for your help, dolls!
{before ever cutting le locks}
{after the short-chop}
 {as it grew back out}
{most recent picture of my hair}

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bun in the Sun

{top & belt: F21; jeans: H&M; boots: Madden Girl; necklace: Stella & Dot; sunglasses: Betsey Johnson}
Okay okay, I know I wore these jeans yesterday, but I'm home for winter break and could only take so many jeans with me...these happen to be the favorite of the bunch. I hate playing favorites with my clothes, but for some reason I always tend to do it. Anyone else?
Anyway, I feel like I'm channeling my inner Audrey Hepburn/Carrie Bradshaw/Kourtney Kardashian/fellow fashion bloggers with this topknot bun. I've always been timid to try it out, but my fears were washed away after realizing how simple it is to throw together and how nice it is to have all my hair up and out of my face! And I couldn't love it more.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Be Happy

{graphic tee: Sans Souci Clothing; jeans: H&M; belt: J Crew; boots: Minnetonka; incredibly warm circle scarf (pictured below): Charlotte Russe; bangle and bicycle necklace: F21}

Have you ever heard that saying: "Do more of what makes you happy,"? That's what this shirt reminds me of, but in a Sparknotes version. Be Happy. What an incredible reminder to wear around all day, not only for myself, but for anyone I see, meet, come into contact with.

So often I find it so easy to slip into mundane daily routines of tasks and obligations- school, work, exercise, whatever it may be. I know if I took the two seconds to remind myself a few times a day that happiness is a choice, and I want to choose it, those routines that I sometimes drag myself through would turn into a contagious and genuinely joyous beam of light. Okay maybe that's a tad froo-la-la, but you get the picture, right? Not to say I won't have a few bad days here and there--I think that's only natural--but I'm talking about those days when I catch myself in a grumpy mood for no good reason? Be happy. That's all it takes. Happiness is a choice and an action and I choose it today.
Do you?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Strawberry & Cream Cheese Bread

I got the idea for these appetizers from a recipe I found on Pinterest, except I did a slight remix. For mine I used French bread (rather than whole grain) and cream cheese (rather than Laughing Cow cheese).  The sweet and savory combo is delectable, and its taste is light and fresh. The best part is the simplicity of it.  I'm so not a chef, and these require no ovens, pots, pans, get it.

All you need it a sharp cutting knife and some fresh strawberries, cream cheese, French bread, a drizzle of honey, and a sprinkle of black pepper. Voila!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lists, Inspiration, & A New Year

I've been doing a lot of thinking and brainstorming through lists lately.  I don't know why, but my brain has just been able to think clearer in this simplistic, to-the-point method of listing.  And seeing as I've been MIA from my blog for over a whole stinkin' month (um, yikes), I figured I'd try to get back into it via this new and trusty list shenanigans.

Concerning, oh, I'd say about the past month, here are things I have done and am currently doing:
  • I finished my third semester at TCU.  It was not my strongest ending academically, but sometimes it's more about actually getting past the finish line. That's all it takes to inspire me to keep going, on certain occasions. At least for me. Can you tell I'm not a big school person? I'm more of a runner.
  • I got a camera for Christmas, and let me tell you, this camera is perfection. It's a Canon Rebel T3i and I'm in love. To say the least.
  • I got promoted from Lifeguard in the pool of our school rec center to 1 of 11 Team Leaders of the entire facility. Big step up for little old me! I'm ecstatic that I'll be able to interact and help more people on a more frequent basis. Ecstatic.
  • I also got another internship in NYC for the coming summer, this time at I'll be organizing, attending, maintaining, helping with, and social networking for all the events for clubs, charities, etc. that the company deals with in the city. I'm. Stoked.
  • I've been training for a half marathon in February with my sister. Not only have we been bonding through the physical pain and perseverance, but we both also look a heck of a lot better in a pair of jeans...just saying.
  • I got a New Years kiss from a complete stranger. And I did NOT like it. No further comments on that one...
  • I keep getting faced with big life decisions. Not only my own, but friend's and family's, too, that I naturally want to help them with. What is this?! Am I growing up or something? I guess it had to happen eventually.
Even though all these outstanding things have been happening to me, I've been uninspired a lot creatively. Especially in my writing, in case you haven't noticed. But then I find myself getting inspired by the silliest things. Making it to a beautiful overlook while hiking with my family. Going for 3-, 4-, 5-mile runs with my sister and our Border Collie, Charlie. Watching my brothers and interact and laugh with the rest of my family, like actually, genuinely enjoying our company, for the first time in at least two years. These things all make me happy to my core, and even if they're temporary joys, I hope to remember them and embrace them when they do occur.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is my main resolution for 2012. What's yours?