Tuesday, October 25, 2011


{flannel: Forever21, tank: Forever21, shorts: Nordstrom, boots: Lucky Brand, headband & stud earrings Forever21, cheesy laugh pic: me}

Today consisted of sleeping through my alarm, getting a midterm back with a big fat C on it, skipping the gym (for the second time this week...it's only Tuesday y'all), crossing absolutely nothing off of my day's to-do list, consuming my water weight in coffee, and committing carbicide all day long.

Regardless, I still look at it as a good day.  I got to start my day with a phone call from my mom, who got me up in the knick of time to get ready for classes.  Speaking of classes, I miraculously made it to all four, consecutive, hour and a half classes that demolish beautify my Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I got to watch Sleepy Hollow in my popular culture class (such a Halloween treat, especially that Johnny Depp. Yum.).  I broke out my veeery favorite lumberjack-esque flannel that was totally inappropriate in the 80 degree weather, but I was so comfy it didn't even matter, especially during the six hours of class in which I normally freeze my booty off.  Not today!  And above all, after an devastating reminder yesterday, I couldn't help but just be thankful for life today.

I hope your Tuesday was as beautiful as mine.

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